Travel Tools: Virtual Tourist

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I stumbled on this really neat site. There are a ton of maps out there, with little flags, pins, and buttons you can place over countries, to show were you've been/are going, but I really like VirtualTourist because it's so damn pretty and easy. Sign-in, click on the countries, done. Actually, the map feature is only a facet of the site. VirtualTourist helps you plan trips, book flights, find deals, meet other users, read reviews, make your own homepage, etc. The most helpful page, however, is this one- 10 Things to do on Virtual Tourist.

The map says I've only been to 9 countries- boo hoo. I want to have been to like 87. It's going to move to 10 once I land in Tokyo! Speaking of which, 25 freaking days left, hell yes!

2 Responses
  1. Marcus Says:

    can't wait to hear about Japan. Nice job as your portrayal of the judge BTW.

  2. Are you getting excited about your trip to Japan? Can you please do some research to find a suitcase you can squeeze me into...and take me with you?!?!