There are a few sites that let you take a map and place markers on certain cities, countries, etc- to show your readers where you've been- and this is one of them! can see other people's markers as well as cool places to eat, visit, to pick daisies in, or whatever. You can even load photos of things you've seen, like roadside attractions, and send those links to your friends. This is a neat one called '
japanoid cars.' You can leave comments, too! This is neat because, instead of emailing my mom 9 emails with 146 digital photos each, I can just send her a link to my map and load up a handful of pics that she can comment on. This site barely has any markers, so before it become overrun, add your own!
I stumbled on a great site today for helping you pack all your belongings into one bag. I'm serious, I have an awesome retro and vintage luggage collection, but I don't like clutter and I don't like hauling bags through airports.
Also, when I travel with people and somebody asks me to help carry one of their 4 bags, I usually say no [until I feel bad and conceded]. My reasoning? I worked hard to pack all my stuff in one bag just so didn't HAVE to carry more bags, you wanted to bring all that? Then YOU carry it!
Just like in Spaceballs...
take only what you need to survive! So here is the link for the
One Bag: One-Page Checklist. The site also has pages on luggage and where to get it, etc- a great resource! I buy stuff through-out the year, I keep travel in the back of my mind so I buy 3/4 sleeve stuff, thin stuff I can layer, simple black sweaters I can dress-up or dress down, etc. And, of course, I do it on a tight, tight budget! Case in point, yesterday I drove by a Bealls store that was closing, so I shopped! I got two shirts.
Observe! Each one was $25, but they were 70% off! I paid like $7 for both of them!
[That's my industrial strength hair-dryer, and I can't-live-without-it!!]
Do you get DailyCandy? If you don't then you should. Check out this awesomeness I received a while ago...funny thing is I actually HAD
Clear, but you have to renew it yearly, which I forgot to I don't have it anymore. Bummer!
Since the Concorde doesn't take flight anymore- I guess that's what multiple crashes will do to ya...the world is waiting to see the Airbus! Faster than a speeding bullet, stronger than a steel than a cloud?
Honestly, I had a blast on the regular Virgin Airlines flight- they give so much free stuff! Everyone got their own TV with movies and video games and music, it was fantastic! We wanted to get seats together, since Grant bought his tickets separately, though we could have used
Here is a great link to take a virtual tour of the Airbus: is a neat site that lets you take a peak at your flight- you can see the kind of plane you'll be on, what movies will be playing, and you can of course pick your seat! It really is an awesome online tool and it's great for loonnggg flights, too- that way you can look forward to your online movies, and not be surprised by 'Because of Winn Dixie'...
which, by the way, is an alright movie...I saw it on the way to Paris- and back. Yep, twice.